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IARS Committee on Leadership and Development (COLD)

The 2008 business meeting of the IARS determined a requirement to establish an IARS Committee on Leadership Development (COLD), to be managed by the Chair of the Board of Advisors of the US Air Force Reserve Professional Development Centre and supported by a secretary position drawn from one of the participating nations for a defined term.


As a subcommittee of IARS, mandated through a specific Charter, the COLD is responsible to IARS for directing and monitoring international leadership development courses for reservists:


  • International NCO Leadership Development Course (INLEAD)

  • International Junior Officer Leadership Development Course (IJOLD)


Responsibilities of the COLD are to manage the Quality Standard for each of the programs offered, seek a Host Nation for each of the courses annually, manage the student solicitation and assignment of seats to Participant Nations and to report annually to the IARS on the programs offered.


The world conflicts in which we are involved rely heavily upon the leadership of its Officers and Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs) alike. The expertise and dedication of these two groups are indispensable to the Command Team relationship and contribute enormously to the successful conduct of International operations.


In order for select Junior Officers and Non-Commissioned Officers to understand each other’s cultures and doctrines it is important to train together and learn about each other’s leadership style, the way each country educates leadership within each group and their respective country’s heritage and culture. Sharing these topics will enrich each participating country and will help forge world stage unity and provide a better understanding of each other’s unique professional military education. This inter-cultural exchange is part of the path to developing the reserve officers and NCOs required of our nations to fulfill operations of our service.


All personnel attending either of the programs must be committed to developing their leadership knowledge and understanding of pursuing life-long learning and self-improvement. It is the responsibility of each, as a member of the profession of arms, to take advantage of available Professional Development opportunities.


Each program is hosted by a different country each year, students will attend as a cross section of the IARS participating nations and instructors/facilitators will also be drawn from the international community.

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