Symposium international de la réserve aérienne
International Junior Officer Leadership and Development (IJOLD) Course
The mission of the IJOLD program, as an integrated element of the IARS – COLD sub-committee, is to provide the IARS participating nations with a leadership course for junior officers, where they will be able to expand their leadership concepts through exposure to and discussion of leadership theory and practice as well as to foster interaction with other nations to better understand differing military cultures.
In order for select junior officers to understand each other’s cultures and doctrines it is important to train together and learn about each other’s leadership style, the way each country educates their Officers and their respective country’s heritage and culture. Sharing these topics will enrich each participating country and their respective officers and will help forge world stage unity and provide a better understanding of each other’s unique professional military education. This inter-cultural exchange is part of the path to developing the reserve officers required of our nations to fulfill operations of our service.
Personnel participating in the program must be morally, physically, intellectually and spiritually prepared for the course. They must also be committed to develop an extensive knowledge of each country’s military education and understand and nurture Air Force expertise within the Host country culture. Students are generally the top of their country and are selected for their leadership and development potential for advancement in their respective country. While aimed at the ranks of lieutenant and captain, it is acknowledged that some participant nations have varying levels of experience and progression, thus some flexibility exists in the rank and age of the attendee. This decision is left to the participant nation selecting the personnel.
Delivering IJOLD
For any questions around the format of future IJOLD courses, please contact the COLD secretary: